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 Your pet's safety and comfort are essential for their healthy growth and development. This must apply even when you’re thinking of taking an extended vacation away from them.

It’s possible to have them feeling comfortable even when you leave them in the care of a trusted ally. Pets have varying personalities, which may determine how well they’ll cope in your absence.

Here are useful tips on how to keep your pet safe when you’re away. golden retriever puppies for sale

1.            Find Someone Reliable To Pet-sit

As much as pets have a distinct level of intelligence, you can never be too sure about how safe it’ll be to leave them unattended. Some matters are beyond them, and you will need an able pair of hands to see them through the challenging period of your vacation.

If you have an excellent rapport with your neighbors, you can talk to them and ask them to pet-sit. A commendable sense of responsibility must be one of their most vital traits. Pets require undivided attention at each of their waking moments. golden retriever puppies for sale

A responsible pet-sitter knows how to follow every instruction you leave them. For instance, if you have a British plug in your home, instruct your pet-sitter to have it covered to avoid accidents.

Pets are very playful beings and enjoy their ability to explore to the fullest. Pet-sitting doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to have their fun. On the contrary, the best pet-sitter will accommodate your pet’s playful nature.

What’s more, this helps distract them and rids your pets of feelings of loneliness and melancholy. However, always remember to keep in touch since they may get too attached to their pet-sitter and end up forgetting who you are.

If your neighbor lacks these unique pet-sitting qualities, look around for professional services. Ensure that the individual or company has been at it long enough to know what your pet needs.

Also, ensure that you let them know all the sensitive details about your pet, such as whether they are on medication. Write it all down and have them take it up from there.

2.    Stock Up On Your Food Supplies

Being the owner, you must know about your pet’s appetite and how it functions under different conditions. If they tend to get hungry every two hours or so, stock up your kitchen to avoid starving your pet.

Do this a day or two before your vacation so you won’t mess things up. Include all their favorite snacks as well as meals that should last them for the entire vacation period.

Ensure you clean their water Jerry cans and fill them up with water to help them stay hydrated. If your pet takes up to two liters in a day, multiply it by the number of days you’ll be away and even add an extra liter just in case of anything.

Check the expiry date to avoid getting unhealthy products that may wreak havoc on your pet’s digestive system. While stocking up, mind your methods of storage as some snacks require a cool and dry place.

Lock them up in a cupboard and entrust the key to your pet-sitter. Some pets tend to overfeed, and the repercussions may be horrendous to them. Have your pet-sitter regulate their meals, snacks, and even water to be on the safe side.

Another stern warning to give your pet-sitter is to avoid trying out new snacks or meals without your permission. Pets vary in terms of how well their systems absorb new products.

It’s even worse if they pull this stunt on younger pets. They are still too fragile to handle any kind of intense experiments and must never have to endure such. Your pet-sitter should never wait till your pet is hungry to give them a treat.

3.    Involve Technology

Nowadays, everyone can benefit greatly from technology and all its articulate inventions. In this case, technology has something for pets too. Shop around for the latest gadgets and devices that will guarantee your pet’s safety while you’re away on vacation.

For instance, you can start with a GPS that you can install on your pet’s collar. This piece of technology enables you to keep up with your pet’s whereabouts in a convenient way that works for both of you.

GPS works especially for younger pets that may stray too far and end up getting lost. You can track them down even when you’re at the furthest corner of the globe.

Hire a certified tech guru to take you through the best options and even install them professionally.

4.    Organize Your House Before You Go

Avoid leaving items such as toys, chargers, jewelry, and others lying around. Pets are curious and playful creatures, and this may be a threat to their general safety. The likes of cables may end up choking your pets because they don’t know any better.

Leave your house organized and lock up the drawers and cabinets to prevent your pets from jumping in, getting stuck, and then suffocating in the process.


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